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General Rules

  • Every student must possess his/her Library card while making use of the Library and produce the same to the Library Staff on entering the Library.

  • Complete Silence must be maintained in the Library. Any student who is found causing any sort of disturbance (talking, discussing etc.) in the Library is liable to be debarred from the Library facilities by the Librarian.

  • Membership card is non-transferable. Students must not lend their Readers Ticket to any other student to borrow books from the Library. Library facilities will be suspended for students misusing cards.

  • In case a student loses his/her Reader's Ticket then the student should apply for a Duplicate card on the prescribed form available at the Library Counter. Rs. 50/- will be charged for issuing the Duplicate Reader's Ticket.

  • Students are strictly prohibited to use their Mobile Phones in the Library, yet if caught using Mobile Phone will be confiscated for 1 week & penalty of Rs. 500/- will be levied.

  • The College Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate will be issued to student only after he/she has returned all the Library books.

  • If any book is taken outside without the permission of the Librarian then a non compliance charge of Rs. 20/- will be charged and no book will be issued to him/her in future.

Issue-Return Rules

  • Students can get the book issued for the period of 7 days including the day of issue.

  • Re-issue of the book will be based on the demand of a particular book.

  • Periodicals and Bound volumes of journals will be issued for current reading only.

  • When books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the Library staff before leaving the counter. On returning the books if pages are found missing the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and penalty will be levied accordingly.

Rules for Fine

  • Library Fine after the due date Re. 5/- per day

  • In the event of damage of any kind, the last reader will be liable to compensate for damage.

  • In case a Reader loses a book he/she should replace the book. In case the book cannot be replaced; the current price of the book and an additional charge of Rs. 50/- as processing charges will have to be paid.

©2022 by VES College of Law Library

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